CD Garoeda

“This CD demonstrates what a fine soloist Frank Lamm is. All the music is played with beautiful and thoughtful phrasing. My own pieces are brought to life with a combination of musical freedom and perfect control”.

Vincent Lindsey-Clark 11/11/11           


“…I like it very much : the repertoire selection (eclectic) and your intelligent and sensitive interpretation…A real delight !”
“ My ‘Preludes’…WOW ! Thanks again for choosing it and for the way you play it….”

Claude Gagnon 21/11/11                    


“…’Garoeda’ features a great selection of pieces and Frank Lamm demonstrates his many skills as a gifted soloist with a lyrical, warm tone and thoughtful, expressive interpretations.”

Gary Ryan 13/12/11                            


“Thanks for playing my piece, Frank – it’s a lovely and sensitive performance”

Gerald Garcia 4/1/12                         


Jubileumconcert Etten

“Zes gitaristen speelden tijdens het unieke openingsconcert op de 500e gitaar van gitaarbouwer Bert Kwakkel. Ter ere van zijn 40-jarig jubileum pakte het Gelders Gitaristen Podium flink uit.
Frank Lamm (NL) opende het concert met rustige stukken die hij beheerst en met mooie toonvorming uitvoerde…….”

Stichting Gelders Gitaristen Podium 30/10/11

‘Wonderful’ jubileumgitaar klinkt zes keer anders’

de Gelderlander 31/10/11

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